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Niklas Rydén

Niklas Rydén

Niklas Rydén is a Swedish composer and artistic director for the independent venue Atalante in Göteborg. There he has during 30 years composed music to dance performances and also worked with film projections and text in his artistic practice.

Ten years ago Niklas Rydén founded NewOpera CO, an independent music drama company, where he’s developing alternative forms for music theatre. He works with professional singers that doesn’t use the opera technique but sings in a more speech-like or natural style. Niklas Rydén has since the start written four full-time operas and one for children. The last piece The Family premiered in september 2016. NewOpera CO has been acknowledged for their work and has financial support from national, regional and local authorities.

Niklas Rydén has been on tour in Denmark, China, Armenia, Egypt, Morocco, Finland, Lithuania as well as in Sweden.